Who We Are


Success in life is most often measured by the meaningful relationships one develops and nurtures over time, the achievements of our children and our financial net-worth. Successes, however, are most often the result of the obstacles and challenges one must overcome.

At times in our lives, we find ourselves in a place where we are in need of some support. Someone to guide us through a difficult moment, someone to inspire us, someone to challenge us….or just someone to listen….with no judgement or prejudice.

Counselling men and women, helping them discover their potential and their capacity to take life in their own hands, has been my life’s work and passion.

As someone who immigrated to Canada over forty years ago, involved in a bi-cultural marriage and raised two boys, I know from first-hand experience, the many barriers and challenges faced as a woman. The struggles of maintaining a “safe and happy home” combined with the need to educate myself and strike a professional career was not without hardship and personal sacrifice.

As the owner and operator of a private insurance brokerage, for about 20 years I have trained and coached my team to achieve their professional goals. In addition, through my involvement with COSTI Immigrant Services (www.costi.org), I have worked with abused and immigrant women in need of support and counselling. For many women and their families, group and individual counselling is their first step towards successful integration. As the organization’s Vice President and Chair of Women’s Services, my responsibility to ensure that programs are reflective of the needs of women, has resulted in the delivery of women’s services that focus on entrepreneurship and supportive self-help programs that lead to their independence, self-empowerment and success.

As a Life Coach, my goal is to assist individuals to achieve healthy and productive lives. Through my education, personal experience and professional training, my focus and mission is to help individuals heal and release any psychological obstacles that may prevent them from achieving their goals and living their dreams.

My experiences as a mother, widow, businesswoman and caregiver have shaped my perspective on life in that I find fulfillment in helping others actualize their dreams. I firmly believe that one can serve others better if one shares personal experiences. With all the joys in my life, I developed my greatest strengths from my challenges, as well as my tragedies. I am a survivor, and my life is now happier than I thought possible.

From Now On was established with the vision to help others in need and to guide them through life’s challenges. Working together, I will share with you what life has taught me and help you to discover your path to happiness and fulfillment.